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검색어 :
Philips Electronics
Philips Electronics
상세내역 : Low power mixers/oscillators for hyperband tuners
상세내역 : Low power mixers/oscillators for satellite tuners
상세내역 : 9 V VHF, hyperband and UHF mixers- oscillators for TV and VCR 3-band tuners
상세내역 : TDA5736; TDA5737 5 V VHF, hyperband and UHF mixers/oscillators for TV and VCR 3-band tuners
부품명(s) : LA79107V
SANYO -> Panasonic
SANYO -> Panasonic
상세내역 : Monolithic Linear IC for TV and VCR 3-band tuners mixers/oscillators
상세내역 : 9 V VHF and UHF mixers/oscillators for TV and VCR cable tuners
상세내역 : 5 V mixer/oscillator-PLL synthesizers for hyperband tuners
상세내역 : 5 V mixers/oscillators and synthesizers for cable TV and VCR 2-band tuners
Philips Electronics
Philips Electronics
상세내역 : 5 V mixers/oscillators and synthesizers for cable TV and VCR 2-band tuners
부품명(s) : TDA5731M/C1 TDA5731M
Philips Electronics
Philips Electronics
상세내역 : Low power VHF, UHF and hyperband mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR 3-band tuners
Philips Electronics
Philips Electronics
상세내역 : VHF, UHF and hyperband mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR 3-band tuners
상세내역 : 9 V VHF hyperband and UHF mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR 3-band tuners
부품명(s) : BU2614 BU2614FS
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : PLL frequency synthesizer for tuners
상세내역 : 9 V VHF, hyperband and UHF mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR 3-band tuners
부품명(s) : Q67000-A335 S042 S042P
Siemens AG
Siemens AG
상세내역 : Mixers
부품명(s) : Q67000-A335 S042 S042P
Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies
상세내역 : Mixers
부품명(s) : BU2618 BU2618FV
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : PLL frequency synthesizer for tuners
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : PLL frequency synthesizer for tuners
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : PLL frequency synthesizer for tuners
부품명(s) : BU2616 BU2616F
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : PLL frequency synthesizer for tuners
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